Author: Admin

So You Want to Start a Nursery

When Avent announced that he was quitting his job to build a specialty nursery, his former horticulture professor begged his student to reconsider, telling him he couldn’t possibly make a profit “without doing something illegal.” More than ten years and 20 nursery catalogs later, Avent owns a thriving national business with nearly 30 employees. He wrote So You Want to Start a Nursery to debunk myths about the ornamental-plants nursery business and what it takes to succeed, whether you’re a backyard hobbyist or a wholesale grower. (And he still has a clean arrest record.)

Assuming that the reader has some basic knowledge about how plants are grown, Avent focuses on the business and planning concerns of the nursery owner. While recounting humorous stories of his baptism by fire as a beginning nurseryman, Avent also provides a primer on the nursery industry as a whole, with discussions of the merits and disadvantages of retail, wholesale, mail-order, and liner operations, to name just a few. Readers of this book will obtain the tools they need to make a business plan of their own. This book is a must-read for horticulture students, industry insiders, and advanced gardeners who dream of turning their passion for plants into a job they love.

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Practical Horticulture (7th Edition) (Pearson AG)

Practical Horticulture, Seventh Edition, is a classic, scientifically oriented book for basic horticulture. It presents readers with the fundamentals of horticultural science and its applications in both the commercial and home sectors. Easy-to-read, the books’s ample illustrations, chapter objectives, and chapter-ending review questions, help readers learn the concepts. Some exciting new features to this edition include:

  •  Updated with timely coverage of hot environmental topics. 
  •  The latest information on horticultural science for indoor and outdoor plants.   
  • A new chapter on careers in horticulture has been added.

This is a great resource for anyone interested in horticulture!

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Horticulture: Principles and Practices (4th Edition)

Now in its fourth edition, Horticulture: Principles and Practices continues to explore horticulture as a science, an art, and a business, meeting the practical information needs of everyone involved in the discipline – from the small urban gardener/hobbyist to the large-scale producer. Hailed by many as the leading text of its kind and the best introductory horticulture book available today, this new edition is completely updated to include the latest developments and newest technologies. New features include two sets of sixteen-page color inserts, over 150 new photos, and Industry Highlights provided by twelve horticulture experts. The color inserts are directly and effectively tied to the text and are referenced throughout.

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