Author: Admin

Contemporary Issues in Animal Agriculture (3rd Edition)

This book, previously titled Impacts of Livestock Production, objectively deals with a number of important issues that are affecting livestock production and the public perception of animal production on a global basis. Some of these issues include consumption of animal products and human health, global warming, biotechnology and animal rights. The volume examines domestication of animals and their contributions to human welfare, animal products in the human diet, principles of animal nutrition and the scientific feeding of livestock, feed additives and growth promotants in animal production, environmental concerns involving livestock production, livestock grazing and rangelands issues, industrialization and globalization of animal agriculture, food quality and safety issues, bioethics, animal welfare, animal rights, and biotechnology issues, and livestock integration into sustainable resource utilization. For anyone involved with animal and poultry science.

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Biorenewable Resources: Engineering New Products from Agriculture

Biorenewable Resources: Engineering New Products from Agriculture, 2nd Edition will provide comprehensive coverage of engineering systems that convert agricultural crops and residues into bioenergy and biobased products. This edition is thoroughly updated and revised to better serve the needs of the professional and research fields working with biorenewable resource development and production. Biorenewable resources is a rapidly growing field that forms at the interface between agricultural and plant sciences and process engineering. Biorenewable Resources will be an indispensable reference for anyone working in the production of biomass or biorenewable resources.

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Tipping the Balance: Policies to shape agriculture investments and markets in favour of small-scale farmers

A recent wave of large-scale land acquisitions and other commercial investment in agriculture has raised concerns that small-scale producers are being marginalized. This report takes a new look at the role of public policy and market governance in ensuring inclusive sustainable development. It identifies key policy levers and how these tip commercial investments in favour of either small- or large-scale farming, and how policy levers influence market governance to constrain or support the fair sharing of risk and reward between small-scale producers and the rest of the market. A considerable proportion of the report is dedicated to identifying policy elements that can specifically contribute to gender-equitable results. The focus of the analysis is on national policy, with international policy discussed insofar as it affects national policy and investment processes.The work was supported by four country case studies, conducted in Guatemala, Nigeria, Tanzania and the Philippines.

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